Organic produced foods consumption is on the rise in most markets of the world today. Consumers term them as “safer foods” health wise when compared to conventionally produced foods. Nutritionist are recommending consumers to take organic foods because they don’t contain the harmful chemical known to cause diseases such as cancer. The food are known to contain higher nutrient content which in turn play a major role in improving consumer’s health. The area under organic produced food has been on the rise indicating that consumers are in more demand of such foods.
Health concerns
Consumers have beliefs that organic foods are of higher nutritional value when compared to conventionally produced foods. Studies have shown that some nutrients are higher in organic foods such as minerals and phytonutrients. Organic foods being rich in nutrients and containing less or no pesticide residue ensure consumers are not exposed to carcinogenic compounds which could harm their health.
Pesticide residues
Consumers are shying away from foods produced conventionally because the contain high levels of pesticide residues. Organic foods on the other hand contain less pesticide residues if any. Studies conducted by the United States department of agriculture USDA showed that organically produced foods contain a two thirds less pesticide residues when compared to non-organically produced foods. The issue of bioaccumulation when it comes to animal products is also an issue which organic foods takes care and avoid such cases.
Food with less additives
The increase in today’s world population has led to food producers to focus on faster ways to produce food so as to meet the demand. Hormones such as growth hormones and sex steroids are used to Increase production e.g. in cows Bovine GH is used to increase milk production while sex steroid are used to increase lean muscle mass and accelerate growth.
Antibiotics use is also on the rise on poultry and cattle this because they are hinted to promote growth and increase growth. Organic foods production doesn’t acknowledge the use of antibiotic, growth hormones and sex steroids thus the foods doesn’t contain such additives.
Sustainably produced food
Organic foods are produced in a sustainable way which does compromise the environment. Less use of pesticides to control pest ensure that organism diversity is maintained because use of pesticides is known to kill some organisms even those which are beneficial such as bees and earthworms.
Conventional food production leads to pollution of water sources through leaching of fertilizers to underground water, contamination of surface water with pesticides too. Consumers are now concerned with food which is produced in a manner doesn’t harm the environment through pollution and biodiversity reduction.
Consumers are taking more of organic food because the food is of high nutrition value and thus caters for the nutritional demands. Organic food is on demand because of less pesticide residue it contains thus less harmful to consumers and lastly it produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Organic farming is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It basically refers to a kind of farming in which natural ways are used for the rearing of animals and cultivation of plants. The process of organic farming involves the utilization of materials which are biological in nature.