What is the meaning of the term Organic?
The products or ingredients that are grown or harvested without using any kind of pesticides, sewage sludge, GMO’s, synthetic and other such chemicals falls under the category of organic. The meat, eggs and milk of animals that are not treated with growth hormones etc. also fall under the category of organic.
What is the meaning of Organic Foods?
The foods in the production of which renewable resources and soil conservation is used are known as Organic Foods. Similarly organic eggs, milk and meat is produced from animals that have never been treated from antibiotics and growth hormones of any kind. The production of organic foods does not involve any pesticides of conventional nature. Organic foods are properly inspected by Government representatives and after this inspection; the food is labeled as organic. The certification has to be attained by the companies as well who claim that their products contain organic ingredients.
Organic foods Categories
The famous USDA has identified three different categories:
- The first category is that of “100% organic”. This category contains ingredients which are 100% organic
- The second category is referred to as “Organic”. This category involves ingredients that are 95% organic
- The third category is referred to as “Made with Organic Ingredients”. This category contains ingredients that are 70% organic however it is necessary that the remaining 30% should not contain any GMO’s. ( Genetically modified organisms)
USDA Organic seal
The USDA organic seal is very important for common consumers. It actually identifies to the common consumer that the organic product purchased by him/her is high in integrity and quality. The operations related to organic certification must be equipped with a proper organic system plan.
Land conversion
It takes three years for a land to fully convert into organic status. The actual process of conversion is two years and during these two years the fertility of the land is developed. Whatever is produced in the first year is not certified as organic. The produce of the second year is stated as “In Conversion”. The produce of the third year is certified as “fully organic”.
Why Organic Foods are Costly?
It has been observed that items like bread, coffee and cereal are often less costly than their inorganic counterparts. It is expected that with this rise of organic demand the prices will normalize eventually. The cost sometimes goes high, due to the mentioned reasons
- Federal subsidies are not provided to the farmers who are involved in the production of organic foods. The lack of federal subsidies increase the overall market cost of organic foods
- It is believed that the conventional food is less costly as compared to organic foods however if we take the cost of environment cleanup into consideration, the situation may look very different.
- Organic farming requires high labor and strong management
Organic foods are healthy and they are the future. Time will tell how fast these foods will capture the market.

Organic farming is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It basically refers to a kind of farming in which natural ways are used for the rearing of animals and cultivation of plants. The process of organic farming involves the utilization of materials which are biological in nature.